If we trust God's Word to be true, we have to believe God created us for greatness, because He is Great—Right? All of us are born in sin, and have struggled throughout our lives to find our purpose, that greatness God creates in us. How much more should we apply God's word that speaks to who we were, who we are now, and what we are to become?

God gave Yakyshia the courage to put her life on paper for the world to glean from. What she’s learned over the years through battle’s, heartache, laughter, self-doubt and just plain life. She’s giving it to you plain, raw, personal and with scriptures to back it up. There are places of laughter, revelation, discovery and HOPE! In each day’s devotion, you discover you too can make it through anything. As long as God is with you, guiding your footsteps and Him teaching you how to persevere through tests and tribulation.

Yakyshia is a wife, mother, and grandmother. Within the pages, you may find a story that you can relate to or know someone who's gone through something similar. She says, "My life is a testimony, and I want to be a blessing to others. That's my why for writing this book. To know that no matter what, you can get through every trial with God."
Our Interview
Reading intimate knowledge of someone’s life is like walking along the path with them in a few hours. Yakyshia takes us with her on a journey to a better life in Christ. “I am a better person knowing I can’t live in sin.” She describes how the book encompasses her life, but talks about being delivered. “I was a habitual fornicator, and alcohol was the catalyst, to allow me to go deeper into my fornication, which was at the forefront of my life. It wasn’t until I understood the word of God, and realized that my body was a Temple for the Holy Spirit, that I took responsibility for my actions. I want to please God and not my flesh.”
She says, “It took endurance and perseverence to get through this process. I was going through as I worked on creating this book.” She states, “It can be a nerve-racking and painstaking process, but as the Word of God says, He will give us the vision, make it plain, so we can run and not faint.” She says, “The most interesting thing since writing this book, is those who’ve bought the book and read it to support me, have since given me feedback of how it’s been a blessing to them, since Covid-19 hit.”
Yakyshia says, "I want to be transparent." So I asked her, what's the earliest age she recommends reading her devotional? She says, "High School age and above. I believe parents who are open and talk to their kids about being responsible with their bodies, to adults who are dealing with marriage, divorce, death, hurt, brokenness. Everything Jesus healed and continues to heal me from is in this book. Although it is from a woman's perspective, there is something for everyone, and the scriptures speak to that specific situation."
What are your plans with the book and what are you doing right now during Covid? She says, "My husband who took the picture and created the cover has been such a significant support in the things I want to pursue, so I want to continue to write and create more devotional books. I've also started a new online jewelry store, Remarkably Bling. Because we've moved to North Carolina, it's given me time to reflect on things and get back on track to being a better Yakyshia in Christ."
The link to her jewelry store: www.remakablybling.com
God Created You for Greatness: A 60-Day Devotional of Life is available in print & eBook on Amazon and print only on Etsy links below:
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Come back next week as I speak to Author, Blogger
J.L. Rothstein, as she talks about her
Supernatural Thriller Book 1 in the Series,
Heaven Sent: Atonement

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